What's going on lately with all the veggies and, now, cold cuts being contaminated? Thank goodness people aren't being poisoned by everyday food items....it's only raw milk we need to fear. Right? It's always amazing to me to see how many foods are causing terror in our food system, and yet there are outright raids on the poor small farmers trying to provide raw milk to an increasingly larger group of people.
Story after story is surfacing about how hard food officials are on a food that has it's own internal cleansing ability, while incident after incident of food contamination is reported in the news. In fact, it's getting to the point of being a monthly event; and who gets raided? Raw milk farmers.
I'm always so aware of how lucky I am, when picking up my raw milk from the co op I belong to. I'm grateful to the cows; the farmer who helps produce the milk; the guy who drives the truck to Long Island, packed with this nutrient rich food for my family; and the naturopathic doctor who knows enough to give her patients access to it!
I will continue to support those farmers, support my family, and support our health with grass-fed raw milk. I'll also keep envisioning positive changes in the laws that support freedom of producing and buying raw milk. I think appreciation brings more of what you are appreciating: I appreciate my freedom to choose. I appreciate this great raw living food! Support your dairy farmers.
Keep getting the word out.
I am becoming more and more afraid to buy any type of food at the grocer. I want to grow everything myself or at least get it from someone I know personally. Someone who is careful about the way his produce is grown or raised.
I raise my own layers. Therefore I did not need to be alarmed when they had to recall millions of eggs just recently. What next?!!
If they would just stick to small farms they could control problems like that much better. But its a free country and the only way we could go back to having plenty of small farms would be if we became a communist country and they forced us to be regulated. Forced us to have, say only 250 chickens each, no more than 30 cows, etc. This way there would be no way the big farms could croud out the little as there would be no big farms. Our food would be much safer. But I'd still rather be free.
Ugh, I almost wanted to say "freedom has it's price", but I think there are better uses for that saying. We also have the freedom to educate ourselves about what we eat, choose where we buy our food, and evaluate what we put in our mouths, eh? Thanks for always giving us "food for thought", Tracy!
Ugh, I almost wanted to say "freedom has it's price", but I think there are better uses for that saying. We also have the freedom to educate ourselves about what we eat, choose where we buy our food, and evaluate what we put in our mouths, eh? Thanks for always giving us "food for thought", Tracy!
Food Security and Safety is found with the local farmers! glad to find your real food media blog!
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